
what's new at BODYROTIC?...

TODAY: topless tuesday popup...
masseuse positions now available...

Wed 12/02/2025

next topless popup...
====> coming soon

BODYROTIC's topless equinox events have become so popular we have created a new event – topless popup...

topless popup...

imagine being greeted by a totally topless BODYROTIC masseuse, wearing not much at all, with high heels and a smile...

  • topless popups occur occasionally – every few weeks (with about a weeks notice)

  • both dayshift and nightshift
    – from 10am until 5pm, and 5pm until 1am

  • keep an eye on our website for the next topless popup

PS: we've heard a rumour that if you say 'topless popup' three times fast, a pair of boobs might just pop out 😉

note: just to address any unfounded concerns – rest assured: the masseuses request to be on the roster for topless popup events

topless popup™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and pending trademark

Sun 26/01/2025

happy Australia Day…

ausflag1BODYROTIC is open as usual from 10am until 1am on Australia Day – 26th January…

Let’s all celebrate this great nation of ours – Australia may not be perfect, but it’s pretty damn good! 🙂

If you’re not planning on enjoying the fireworks on Sydney Harbour, why not come on in to BODYROTIC and create your own personal fireworks?

Sun 26/01/2025

it’s our fourteenth anniversary in our new home…

giftboxBODYROTIC quietly celebrates our 14th anniversary in Camperdown on Australia Day 2024 (flowers and chocolates gratefully appreciated)

Sun 22/12/2024

'no panties day' – june 22 & december 22...

it all started several years ago as half-prank and half-wishful-thinking – but, over the years the concept has gained traction and a tradition has now been forged...

  • june 22 – international 'no panties day'

    – the original date of june 22 was obviously selected by some numpty in the northern hemisphere, as it coincides with the winter solstice downunder – so, BODYROTIC inaugurated a tradition of our own...
  • december 22 – 'no panties day downunder'

    – to coincide with the australian summer solstice

in observance of the true spirit of 'no panties day', BODYROTIC is a panty-free zone for the entire day on both june 22 and december 22

happy 'no panties day' – june 22 & december 22

BODYROTIC makes a substantial donation on behalf of the masseuses in appreciation of this event to an appropriate women's health research foundation – additional donations from clients are not solicited, but most appreciated

no panties day downunder™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and trademark

  • UPDATE: december 22, 2024 – our donation went to Australia Cancer Research Foundation – thankyou to the clients and BODYROTIC masseuses who made additional donations, your generosity is greatly appreciated

Tue 26/11/2024


merry christmas and happy new year 2025…

BODYROTIC would like to wish all of our clients a cheerful and prosperous silly season – please be sure to take it easy on the roads and come back safe and sound again in 2025… perhaps we can’t change the world, but let’s see if we can all make a difference in our little corner of it


christmas and new year opening hours...

BODYROTIC is open as usual from 10am until 1am every day throughout the christmas holiday period, with the following exceptions...

Christmas Day 25th December • closed all day
Boxing Day 26th December • open as usual
New Years Eve 31st December • open 10am-5pm • closed 5pm-1am
New Years Day 1st January • closed 10am-5pm open 5pm-1am

as always, our roster will be kept up-to-date showing which masseuses are available, and when
– appointments throughout the silly season are recommended

Mon 23/09/2024

BODYROTIC is going totally topless in celebration of the autumn and spring equinoxes...

  • march 22 – in celebration of the autumnal equinox
  • september 22 – in celebration of the vernal (spring) equinox
equinox celebration – totally topless...

equinox celebrations have varied considerably throughout history and between cultures – BODYROTIC masseuses will be celebrating the solar equatorial transit with a simple affirmation of femininity and freedom by spending the day totally topless...

BODYROTIC makes a substantial donation on behalf of the masseuses in appreciation of this event to an appropriate women's health research foundation – donations from clients are not solicited, but most appreciated

topless equinox™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and trademark

  • september 22, 2024 – our donation went to Australia Cancer Research Foundation – several clients and BODYROTIC masseuses also made personal donations – thankyou, your generosity is greatly appreciated

Thu 01/08/2024

it’s our 40th birthday – august 2024…
and our fourteenth birthday in our Camperdown home

♫ happy birthday to us… .. . happy birthday to us… .. . ♪ ♪ happy birthday BODYROTIC… … … happy birthday to us ! ♫

BODYROTIC quietly celebrates our 40th birthday in august 2024 (flowers and chocolates gratefully appreciated)

Sat 22/06/2024

'no panties day' – june 22 & december 22...

it all started several years ago as half-prank and half-wishful-thinking – but, over the years the concept has gained traction and a tradition has now been forged...

  • june 22 – international 'no panties day'

    – the original date of june 22 was obviously selected by some numpty in the northern hemisphere, as it coincides with the winter solstice downunder – so, BODYROTIC inaugurated a tradition of our own...
  • december 22 – 'no panties day downunder'

    – to coincide with the australian summer solstice

in observance of the true spirit of 'no panties day', BODYROTIC is a panty-free zone for the entire day on both june 22 and december 22

happy 'no panties day' – june 22 & december 22

BODYROTIC makes a substantial donation on behalf of the masseuses in appreciation of this event to an appropriate women's health research foundation – additional donations from clients are not solicited, but most appreciated

no panties day downunder™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and trademark

  • UPDATE: december 22, 2024 – our donation went to Australia Cancer Research Foundation – thankyou to the clients and BODYROTIC masseuses who made additional donations, your generosity is greatly appreciated

Mon 25/03/2024

easter egg

happy easter 2024…

everyone at BODYROTIC would like to wish you all a safe and happy easter

if you are staying in sydney we are open from 10am to 1am as usual every day throughout the easter holidays, feel free to drop in whenever you like – if you are travelling, please be sure to take it easy on the roads, and we look forward to seeing you again when you return

Fri 22/03/2024

BODYROTIC is going totally topless in celebration of the autumn and spring equinoxes...

  • march 22 – in celebration of the autumnal equinox
  • september 22 – in celebration of the vernal (spring) equinox
equinox celebration – totally topless...

equinox celebrations have varied considerably throughout history and between cultures – BODYROTIC masseuses will be celebrating the solar equatorial transit with a simple affirmation of femininity and freedom by spending the day totally topless...

BODYROTIC makes a substantial donation on behalf of the masseuses in appreciation of this event to an appropriate women's health research foundation – donations from clients are not solicited, but most appreciated

topless equinox™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and trademark

  • september 22, 2024 – our donation went to Australia Cancer Research Foundation – several clients and BODYROTIC masseuses also made personal donations – thankyou, your generosity is greatly appreciated

Fri 01/03/2024

easter 2024 opening hours...

BODYROTIC is open as usual from 10am until 1am every day throughout the easter holiday period, and ANZAC day a couple of weeks latereasterbunny

Good Friday 29th March • open as usual
Easter Saturday 30th March • open as usual
Easter Sunday 31st March • open as usual
Easter Monday 1st April • open as usual
ANZAC Day 25th April • open as usual

our roster will be kept up-to-date showing which masseuses will be available, and when
– appointments throughout easter are recommended

Sat 25/11/2023

looking for a really cool christmas gift?…

BODYROTIC gift cards make a great christmas gift…

for a friend, lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife or perhaps as part of an employee incentive reward program... a BODYROTIC gift card will definitely make an impression!

BODYROTIC gift cards...

available to any dollar value or for any service, just let our receptionist know how much you would like to spend – it’s that simple…

  • presented in a stylish envelope
  • valid for 3 years from date of purchase
  • redeemable while valid by the bearer
  • note: gift cards are not redeemable for cash, and cannot be replaced if destroyed, misplaced, lost or stolen

why not surprise someone special this christmas?!

Wed 24/05/2023

price increase 1st June 2023

price increase...the prices at BODYROTIC have remained unchanged for 4 years! (since June 2019)… we have done our best to absorb the effects of inflation, unfortunately continually escalating expenses have once again forced upon us the inevitable – as of 1st June 2023 we will implement a modest increase in our prices

we look forward to meeting the challenge of maintaining our prices at this level for as long as possible into the foreseeable future

note: gift cards purchased before 1st June 2023 which remain valid may be redeemed for the service applicable at the time of purchase

Tue 25/04/2023


UPDATE: 25th April 2023

for all clients, masseuses and receptionists...COVIDsafe
  • fully COVID-19 vaccinated
    – proof required at check-in as a condition of entry
  • face masks not required
    – strongly encouraged where social distancing is difficult
  • QR code check-in not required
  • read the current NSW Government summary here

we acknowledge that some NSW Government 'Public Health Order' restrictions may have eased – to help maintain the safest possible environment for our valued clients and masseuses, BODYROTIC policy is to continue to apply the above restrictions for entry to our premises

rest assured – we have taken all reasonable steps to create and maintain a safe environment for our clients, masseuses and staff, and we comply with all NSW Health requirements and legislation

BODYROTIC has registered our ‘COVID-19 safety plan‘ with the NSW Government

Tue 28/03/2023

BODYROTIC's topless equinox events have become so popular we have created a new event – topless popup...

topless popup...

imagine being greeted by a totally topless BODYROTIC masseuse, wearing not much at all, with high heels and a smile...

  • topless popups occur occasionally – every few weeks (with about a weeks notice)

  • both dayshift and nightshift
    – from 10am until 5pm, and 5pm until 1am

  • keep an eye on our website for the next topless popup

PS: we've heard a rumour that if you say 'topless popup' three times fast, a pair of boobs might just pop out 😉

note: just to address any unfounded concerns – rest assured: the masseuses request to be on the roster for topless popup events

topless popup™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and pending trademark

Sat 08/10/2022

hug & tug™ – feeling like you need a hug?… and perhaps something a little more intimate…

hug & tug™ – we think the name says it all

  • usually provided as a rush® service
  • several BODYROTIC masseuses specialise in the hug & tug™ experience – just ask our receptionist
  • no appointment necessary – simply drop in and ask
  • note: not all masseuses are available for a hug & tug™

call us on 9557 7999 to make an appointment, or simply just drop in and ask for a hug & tug™ experience

hug & tug™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and a pending trademark

Thu 01/09/2022

ATM on premises – access to cash for clients...

BODYROTIC has a convenient, safe, secure and discreet ATM onsite for clients to access cash...

  • ATM transaction records are discreetly identified as...
  • maximum withdrawal $1,000
  • transaction fee applies (charged by ATM provider)

Fri 25/02/2022


UPDATE: 25th February 2022

for all clients, masseuses and receptionists...COVIDsafe
  • fully COVID-19 vaccinated
    – proof required at check-in as a condition of entry
  • face masks not required
    – strongly encouraged where social distancing is difficult
    – face masks may be removed for the purposes of identification and for the provision of a service
  • QR code check-in not required
  • read the current NSW Government summary here

we acknowledge that some NSW Government 'Public Health Order' restrictions may have eased – to help maintain the safest possible environment for the vast majority of our valued clients and masseuses, BODYROTIC policy is to apply the above restrictions for entry to our premises

rest assured – we have taken all reasonable steps to create and maintain a safe environment for our clients, masseuses and staff, and we comply with all NSW Health requirements and legislation

=== #staysafe === #socialdistancing === #LetsVaxx ===

BODYROTIC has registered our ‘COVID-19 safety plan‘ with the NSW Government

Sat 01/01/2022

the edge – BODYROTIC’s latest in explosive eroticism…

edging – verb: the practice of repeated cycles of sexual stimulation slowing or stopping prior to climax, ultimately resulting in a more intense orgasm (going over 'the edge') – also known as 'surfing', 'teasing', 'peaking', 'orgasm training'...

the edge™...
  • less massage, more intimate teasing and erotic stimulation
  • likely to significantly intensify orgasm
  • can increase sexual stamina – 'orgasm control'
  • generally speaking, you will experience a substantially more intense ‘happy ending‘, however there is no guarantee
  • be warned, the edge™ experience may become addictive
  • several BODYROTIC masseuses specialise in the edge™ experience – just ask our receptionist
  • there is no additional cost for the edge™
  • note: not all masseuses are available for the edge™

call us on 9557 7999 to make an appointment, or simply just drop in and ask for the edge™ experience

the edge™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and a pending trademark

Mon 18/10/2021

BODYROTIC re-opening…

we're COVIDsafe...

YES – WE ARE OPEN!… as of Monday 18th October…

  • keep an eye on our roster
  • appointments can be made once our roster is published
    (we are unable to accept appointments for days where a roster is yet to be published)
  • appointments strongly recommended


=== #staysafe === #socialdistancing === #LetsVaxx ===

BODYROTIC has registered our ‘COVID-19 safety plan‘ with the NSW Government

Fri 15/10/2021

false advertising at other venues…

we’ve had several clients bring to our attention the shonky advertising practices of other erotic massage establishments around sydney…

… and we thought it might be appropriate to write a few words about it

unlike others who advertise “voted Sydney’s #1…”, “Sydney’s best…”, “the finest…”, “the ultimate…”, etc. without any credentials!…

BODYROTIC has been voted “Best Adult Business” in the coveted ‘Australian Adult Industry Awards’ (AAIA) … three times!

03 - bliss_eden original 03 - bliss_eden

  • all of the client feedback on our website is 100% genuine
  • all of the masseuse photos are 100% genuine photos of the actual masseuse (taken at BODYROTIC)
  • unlike many others, we do not pass off old photos of long-gone masseuses as current masseuses – or even worse still, they deceptively use photos of international models, porn-stars, actresses, etc. – some of the blatant ripoffs are almost laughable and obviously an infringement of copyright
  • our online roster is 100% genuine and kept up-to-date

… a few things to consider

updated: 15/10/2021 – click here for more about the false advertising practices of other venues…

Fri 25/06/2021

BODYROTIC is temporarily closed – as of 25th June 2021, 11:59pm…

WE ARE CLOSED – scheduled to re-open Monday 18th October

=== #staysafe === #stayathome === #socialdistancing === #LetsVaxx ===

Mon 01/03/2021

sukebe fantasy – a multi-faceted erotic experience for the adventurous…

sukebe (pronounced s'keh·beh) – noun: japanese for 'pervert' or 'dirty old man', pejorative, sometimes used in a joking way...

depending upon its use: the sukebe fantasy chair can be...

  • visually, exquisitely explicit
  • sensually breathtaking
  • a fun toy for the kinky
  • a face-sitting fetishists dream come true
  • an imposing tool for the dominantly/submissively wicked, and hardcore perverts!

the use of any of the inclusions in the fantasy massage room is at the discretion of your masseuse... for example: the sukebe fantasy chair is physically no more than a simple transparent stool engineered for explicit views and strategic access... psychologically however, use of the sukebe fantasy chair is limited only by the imagination and the boundaries of willing participants

  • speak with your masseuse about indulging your fantasy or fetish
  • note: not all masseuses are available for a sukebe fantasy chair experience

call us on 9557 7999 to make an appointment, or simply just drop in and ask for a sukebe fantasy chair experience

sukebe fantasy™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and a pending trademark

Sat 02/01/2021

BODYROTIC striptease, glory hole experience – (COVID-19)

are you looking for an exceptionally erotic experience?...
but perhaps a little concerned in the context of COVID-19?

glory hole massage table...

exceptionally sexy 'social distancing' with a delightfully indulgent difference

Fri 01/01/2021

BODYROTIC supports the McGrath Foundation
– “together we can make a difference”…

It’s that time of the year again! The Sydney Pink Test (7th-11th January) will be proudly pink in support of the McGrath Foundation and we hope to see lots of pinked cricket fans, especially for Jane McGrath Day on Sunday 9th January!

For all the Pink Test action and ways you can get involved, visit

Fri 18/12/2020

a ‘personalised’ memento of your BODYROTIC experience…

for the fantasy connoisseur with a distinctive penchant for the perfume of a woman

souvenir panties

  • your BODYROTIC masseuse will wear a pair of brand new, sexy white panties throughout your session
  • limited only by your imagination (and, of course your masseuses boundaries)
  • if you'd like her worn panties signed at the end of your session together, just ask
  • personally signed and sealed in a snap-lock bag – yours to keep – just $50
  • perhaps something special to consider on 'no panties day downunder'
  • a few regular clients have already asked about collecting 'the full set' (... that would be ~75 pairs of panties?!)
  • note: not all masseuses are available to provide souvenir panties®

call us on 9557 7999 to make an appointment, or simply just drop in and ask for souvenir panties®

souvenir panties® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Fri 10/07/2020

COVID-19 postponed edition

july 22 (rescheduled due to COVID-19)

it all started several years ago as half-prank and half-wishful-thinking – but, over the years the concept has gained traction and a tradition has now been forged...

  • june 22 – international 'no panties day'

    – the original date of june 22 was obviously selected by some numpty in the northern hemisphere, as it coincides with the winter solstice downunder – so, BODYROTIC inaugurated a tradition of our own...
  • december 22 – 'no panties day downunder'

    – to coincide with the australian summer solstice

in observance of the true spirit of 'no panties day', BODYROTIC is a panty-free zone for the entire day on both june 22 and december 22

happy 'no panties day' – june 22 & december 22

BODYROTIC makes a substantial donation on behalf of the masseuses in appreciation of this event to an appropriate women's health research foundation – additional donations from clients are not solicited, but most appreciated

no panties day downunder™ is an original BODYROTIC concept and trademark

  • UPDATE: july 22, 2020 (COVID-19 postponed edition) – our donation went to Ovarian Cancer Australia – thankyou to the clients and BODYROTIC masseuses who made additional donations, your generosity is greatly appreciated

Sat 19/10/2019

BODYROTIC ‘extras’ policy changes – commencing 1st November 2019…

all 'extras' beyond the erotic massage services are by mutual agreement between the client and the masseuse, and may incur additional cost, payable by the client directly to the masseuse – (ATM available on premises)

=== all 'extras' are at the discretion of the masseuse ===

so, your masseuse is allowed to do anything she likes, as long as it’s legal...

it is important to understand that some masseuses may include some experiences which other masseuses may either consider as 'extras' at additional cost, or not provide at all – it is up to the individual masseuse at the time

the individual profile of a masseuse may give you an indication of whether 'extras' are available, for example "... ??? generally offers an extensive range of 'extras', just ask! ..."

it is equally important for us to ensure there is absolutely no misunderstanding about exactly what is changing, and what is not! – the only change is that ‘extras’ are allowed – no expectations: just because ‘extras’ are allowed that doesn’t imply that any particular masseuse will provide any particular ‘extras’ – and there will be no ‘menus’, no beds, no ‘hustling’… the overall BODYROTIC experience our clientèle have come to expect will remain unchanged

simply put: any ‘extras’ mutually agreed between a client and a masseuse – again, as long as it’s legal – are allowed

BODYROTIC will continue to do everything we can to ensure we maintain our exceptionally high standards

Sat 29/06/2019

BODYROTIC glory hole® – under the table, through the hole – intensely erotic experience with select BODYROTIC masseuses…

imagine your masseuse under the massage table, massaging you intimately through the glory hole in the middle of the table...

    glory hole massage table...
  • visually: extraordinarily arousing
  • sensually: mindblowingly stimulating
  • an exquisitely intense 'happy ending' – especially for the uninitiated
  • there is no additional cost for a BODYROTIC glory hole® massage
  • warning: this experience may become addictive 🙂
  • perhaps consider as a grand finale® – one masseuse on top of the table, and one below
  • note: our fantasy massage® room also has a glory hole in the shower for the exceptionally adventurous
  • only select masseuses are available for a BODYROTIC glory hole® experience – just ask

call us on 9557 7999 to make an appointment, or simply just drop in and ask for a BODYROTIC glory hole® experience

BODYROTIC glory hole® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Wed 22/05/2019

price increase 1st June 2019

price increase...the prices at BODYROTIC have remained unchanged for more than 3 years! (since March 2016)… we have done our best to absorb the effects of inflation, unfortunately continually escalating expenses have once again forced upon us the inevitable – as of 1st June 2019 we will implement a modest increase in our prices

we look forward to meeting the challenge of maintaining our prices at this level for as long as possible into the foreseeable future

note: gift cards purchased before 1st June 2019 which remain valid may be redeemed for the service applicable at the time of purchase

Sun 20/05/2018

the grand finale® – intensify your pleasure…

feel like spoiling yourself?... want an exceptionally 'happy ending'!?...
why not invite a second masseuse to join in on the fun?

grand finale<sup>®</sup>... we offer you the grand finale®

  • a second BODYROTIC masseuse to lend an extra pair of hands for the last 15 minutes of your massage
  • perhaps a third, fourth... or more? – $120 per additional masseuse
  • not all BODYROTIC masseuses are available for a grand finale®

call us on 9557 7999 to make an appointment, or simply just drop in and ask for a grand finale®

grand finale® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Mon 08/01/2018

new fire & ic erotic massage – BODYROTIC’s latest innovation in sensuality…

fire & ice... oil and water generally don't mix, unless it's hot oil and ice cubes in the skilled hands of a sexy BODYROTIC masseuse

an indulgence for the senses – the fire & ice® erotic massage experience explores the human body's exceptional sensitivity to temperature, elevating the sensuality of erotic massage to an entirely new level

  • only select BODYROTIC masseuses are available for a fire & ice® massage
  • there is no additional cost for a fire & ice® massage

call us on 9557 7999 to make an appointment, or simply just drop in and ask for a fire & ice® massage

fire & ice® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Fri 23/06/2017


don’t have time for the whole show?… just want the ending?…

need to quickly unwind and get back to the real world?...

BODYROTIC rush®...

BODYROTIC rush® is just what you're looking for

  • 20 minutes including shower(s) – $120
  • no body massage
  • no bodyslides
  • feeling like a hug?... consider a hug & tug™ experience
  • no appointment necessary – simply drop in and ask for the BODYROTIC rush® service
  • note: not all masseuses are available for BODYROTIC rush® – this service is not available by appointment

BODYROTIC rush® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Sun 01/01/2017

several clients asked for a ‘star rating’ upgrade to our feedback page, so here it is…

we've made it easier to scroll through our online feedback 'at-a-glance' by making a relatively minor addition to our online feedback form – with a simple, visual 'star rating'...

= very poor
= poor
= average
= good – recommended
= very good – recommended *
= exceptional – highly recommended

* 'half stars' can be added for those who feel the need 🙂

so, where provided, a 'star rating' will be included with all published feedback – we trust this helps
(effective from 1st January 2017)

as always, if there are any further improvements you feel we can make, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do

Thu 01/09/2016

BODYROTIC top10 masseuses list…

many clients ask us who is ‘the best‘ or ‘the most popular‘ masseuse at BODYROTIC – for many years we have resisted the temptation to answer these questions as we feel it oversimplifies the client-masseuse relationship – generally speaking one client may find the charms of a particular masseuse irresistible where others may not agree

in response to ever-increasing requests from clients, and after much soul-searching, we have decided to throw caution to the wind and publish our top10 masseuses list


  • google's website ranking algorithm remains somewhat an enigma, the recipe for coca-cola is probably the world's most closely guarded trade secret and colonel sanders doesn't share his eleven secret herbs and spices...
  • however, without giving away too many of our secrets: the BODYROTIC top10 masseuses list is compiled employing a commercially-protected, highly-customised, scientifically-derived, complex adaptive algorithm – with input from multiple sources including clients, receptionists, masseuses and management
  • our top10 masseuses list is updated monthly

we invite you to provide feedback about your experiences at BODYROTIC – your feedback is fundamental to maintaining our high standards and remember, recent client feedback is a major factor in determining the current top10 masseuses

Tue 23/02/2016

price increase 1st March 2016

price increase...the prices at BODYROTIC have remained unchanged for the past 3 years!… we have done our best to absorb the effects of inflation, with only five price increases over the past 19 years – unfortunately continually escalating expenses have once again forced upon us the inevitable – as of 1st March 2016 we will implement a modest increase in our prices

we look forward to meeting the challenge of maintaining our prices at this level for as long as possible into the foreseeable future

note: gift cards purchased before 1st March 2016 remain valid for 12 months from date of purchase and may be redeemed for the service applicable at the time of purchase

Mon 22/02/2016

BODYROTIC’s therapeutic-erotic massage experience – therarotic®…

therarotic® massage...have you ever felt like indulging in nothing more than a really good, therapeutic-style massage... ... ... with a 'happy ending'?... ... ... from a masseuse skilled in the art of both therapeutic and erotic massage!?

in response to increasingly frequent requests from our clients, BODYROTIC has developed our new therarotic® massage service

your masseuse will start your massage in a BODYROTIC uniform – simply lie back and enjoy your therapeutic-style massage filled with anticipation that your masseuse probably won’t be wearing her BODYROTIC uniform at the end

  • only select BODYROTIC masseuses with a background in therapeutic, sports or remedial massage are available for a therarotic® massage
  • there is no additional cost for a therarotic® massage
  • look for the therarotic icon on the masseuses profile

call us on 9557 7999 to make an appointment, or simply just drop in and ask for a therarotic® massage

therarotic® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Fri 19/06/2015

new mobile device website upgrade…

delivering the best possible experience to smart phones, iPads, tablets and other handheld devices

with the ever-increasing use of handheld devices we wanted our website to deliver the best possible experience on all platforms – so, we are proud to release our fully-upgraded, state-of-the-art website specifically enhanced to be responsive to handheld devices – the changes are aesthetically very subtle to the end user on most mainstream platforms, however you may notice a few more dramatic enhancements on some devices – having just completed our final testing, all of the new functionality is now live

BODYROTIC's new mobile responsive website...

  • should you find any problems, something that doesn’t seem to work the way you think it should, or even the simplest typo; please let us know – we will address the problem as a matter of priority
  • if there is anything else you’d like to see included in our mobile-responsive website let us know and we’ll see what we can do – all constructive feedback is warmly welcomed

we trust this new release is well received and, as always, if there are any further improvements you feel we can make, please let us know

Sat 01/11/2014

new massage rooms ready for action…

BODYROTIC’s much-anticipated suite of new massage rooms is now finished and ready for action – client feedback so far has been mostly along the lines of ‘… by far the best massage rooms ever…‘, which we think is a pretty big call – why not judge for yourself? – they include…

fantasy massage room...fantasy massage room

  • stripper pole with light show (mirrorball, lasers, uv-strobe, etc.) and reclining leather sofa to lie back and enjoy the show
  • voyeur-cam video – multi-camera live video feed to watch your own encounter unfold on a large projection video screen
  • white leather fantasy chair – electrically adjustable with stirrup leg supports and tease hole
  • glory hole – open glass dual shower/wet area with built-in glory hole
  • sukebe fantasy chair – a multi-faceted experience for the adventurous
  • starlight room... leather restraints – wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs and collar – with a selection of ropes and japanese rope restraints

starlight room

  • get lost in space and time somewhere in the middle of the milky way (with an undisturbed view of sydney harbour)

purple room

  • opulent marble and monarch-purple furnishings – a royal suite fit for a king or queen
  • purple room...mirrored ceiling for that voyeuristic perspective
  • if, like several BODYROTIC masseuses you have a fetish for things purple – this room is for you

please let our receptionist know when making your appointment if you would like to spend time in one of our new rooms
BODYROTIC fantasy massage® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Thu 26/06/2014

nude shift #25…

if you’re fortunate enough to read this tonight, nude shift #25 is on right now… and you have until midnight to join in the fun with 13 of the hottest masseuses imaginable – it’s essentially one big party!… sans clothes of course

nude shift #25

imagine being greeted by a gorgeous BODYROTIC masseuse wearing nothing but high heels and a smile… now try to imagine that same scenario multiplied by 12!

we receive lots of calls asking “when is the next nude shift?”… – half of the fun is that they are a total surprise to clients, so the answer is “ummmm, it’s a secret” – we trust you understand

nude shifts are a regular BODYROTIC event… occurring randomly (and unannounced!)
BODYROTIC nude shift® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Wed 04/06/2014

you can now search for feedback on any masseuse…

several clients have asked us to help improve their experience by providing a way to search for feedback on a specific masseuse…

so, wherever a masseuses profile is available you can now read feedback for that masseuse

feedback search function...

for example, on the masseuses personal profile page simply click…

feedback search function...


we trust this new feature is well received and, as always, if there are any further improvements you feel we can make, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do

Tue 20/05/2014

nude shift #20…

if you’re fortunate enough to read this tonight, nude shift #20 is on right now… and you have until midnight to join in the fun with 13 of the hottest masseuses imaginable – it’s essentially one big party!… sans clothes of course

nude shift #20

imagine being greeted by a gorgeous BODYROTIC masseuse wearing nothing but high heels and a smile… now try to imagine that same scenario multiplied by 12!

we receive lots of calls asking “when is the next nude shift?”… – half of the fun is that they are a total surprise to clients, so the answer is “ummmm, it’s a secret” – we trust you understand

nude shifts are a regular BODYROTIC event… occurring randomly (and unannounced!)

BODYROTIC nude shift® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Mon 19/05/2014

nude shift #19…

nude shift #19 was an exceptionally busy night… perhaps best described as “buttfest 2014” – so busy in fact that the best we could manage was a commemorative photo of 5 of the 12 hot BODYROTIC babes – thanks again to all the unsuspecting clients, the masseuses had a ball

nude shift #19

imagine being greeted by a gorgeous BODYROTIC masseuse wearing nothing but high heels and a smile… now try to imagine that same scenario multiplied by 12!

we receive lots of calls asking “when is the next nude shift?”… – half of the fun is that they are a total surprise to clients, so the answer is “ummmm, it’s a secret” – we trust you understand

nude shifts are a regular BODYROTIC event… occurring randomly (and unannounced!)
BODYROTIC nude shift® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Tue 29/04/2014

looking for a really cool gift?…

for a friend, lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife or perhaps as part of an employee incentive reward program... a BODYROTIC gift card will definitely make an impression!

BODYROTIC gift cards...

available to any dollar value or for any service, just let our receptionist know how much you would like to spend – it’s that simple…

  • presented in a stylish envelope
  • valid for 3 years from date of purchase
  • redeemable while valid by the bearer
  • note: gift cards are not redeemable for cash, and cannot be replaced if destroyed, misplaced, lost or stolen

Thu 27/03/2014

high heels and a smile – all that’s needed on a BODYROTIC nude shift…

BODYROTIC nude shift - nothing but high heels and a smile...imagine being greeted by a gorgeous BODYROTIC masseuse wearing nothing but high heels and a smile… now try to imagine that same scenario multiplied by 12!

nude shift number 16 went off with a bang tonight – thanks again to all the unsuspecting clients who were fortunate enough to have been on the receiving end of much more of a visual experience than they could ever have anticipated… and once again the masseuses had a really fun night!

we continue to receive nothing but great feedback from clients – and the masseuses are always asking “…when can we do the next nude shift?”

we receive lots of calls asking “when is the next nude shift?”… – half of the fun is that they are a total surprise to clients, so the answer is “ummmm, it’s a secret” – we trust you understand

BODYROTIC nude shift - pixie... at the feet of the other 11 naked BODYROTIC babes on nude shift #16

nude shifts are a regular BODYROTIC event… occurring randomly (and unannounced!)

note: just to address any unfounded concerns (as raised by one client who was concerned that the masseuses were being forced to meet clients in their birthday suits) – rest assured: the masseuses request to be rostered on ‘nude shifts’… and the list of masseuses wanting to do nude shifts continues to grow
BODYROTIC nude shift® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Fri 07/02/2014

do you want to know who is working at BODYROTIC today?…
@bodyrotic - our twitter feed...simply follow @bodyrotic on Twitter

we tweet our up-to-date roster 15 minutes before the start of every shift – at 9:45am for dayshift and 4:45pm for nightshift

we will also tweet a photo or two of every new masseuse within minutes of publishing them on our website

simply follow @bodyrotic on Twitter to have our roster and new masseuse profile photos delivered directly to you in your Twitter feed

follow @bodyrotic on Twitter...

Sat 18/01/2014

our most recent nude shift…

20140117_ns_5889bw we tried to get a photo of all 12 masseuses on our most recent nude shift… so busy this was the best we could manage – several masseuses now jokingly refer to nude shifts as “pussyfest 2014”[/caption]

imagine being greeted by a gorgeous BODYROTIC masseuse wearing nothing but high heels and a smile… now try to imagine that same scenario multiplied by 12!

we continue to receive nothing but great feedback from clients – and the masseuses are always asking “…when can we do the next nude shift?”

nude shifts are a regular BODYROTIC event… occurring randomly (and unannounced!)

BODYROTIC nude shift® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Fri 25/10/2013

nude shift... yum! (bianca, brooklyn, cassandra, crystal, dionne, lani, nicole, nikita, samantha & yoko)...

nude shift photomontage…

a few happy snaps from our most recent nude shifts…

imagine being greeted by a gorgeous BODYROTIC masseuse wearing nothing but high heels and a smile… now try to imagine that same scenario multiplied by 12!

we continue to receive nothing but great feedback from clients – and the masseuses are always asking “…when can we do the next nude shift?”

nude shifts are a regular BODYROTIC event… occurring randomly (and unannounced!)

BODYROTIC nude shift® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Thu 26/09/2013

security upgrades – if you’re a regular client you may have noticed a few changes around BODYROTIC over the past month or so…

please remove head coverings and sunglasses before entering...

following the recent wave of armed holdups around Sydney we have completed implementation of several new security measures, including: CCTV upgrades, lighting upgrades, new signage regarding headwear removal at entry, installation of bullet-resistant security shields to the receptionist office area and impact and bullet-resistant security doors to all staff areas, improved security procedures, and several other security upgrades which we will not be disclosing for operational reasons

we trust that from a clients perspective most of these measures are practically invisible – if you notice any suspicious activity, or anything else you are concerned about, please let our staff know immediately so we can take appropriate action (we have a very good relationship with NSW Police who can be on site within a minute or two)

Mon 08/07/2013

nude shifts – now a regular feature…

nude shift... yum! (elle, charlotte, kimberley, shakira & selina)...

BODYROTIC’s nude shift concept has taken hold!…

imagine being greeted by a gorgeous BODYROTIC masseuse wearing nothing but high heels and a smile… now try to imagine that same scenario multiplied by 12!

we’ve had nothing but glowing feedback from clients and the masseuses have had more fun than you can possibly imagine – the looks on some clients faces are simply priceless

nude shifts are now a regular BODYROTIC event… occurring randomly (and unannounced!)

note: just to address any unfounded concerns (as raised by one client who was concerned that the masseuses were being forced to meet clients in their birthday suits) – rest assured: the masseuses actually request to be on nude shifts… and the list of masseuses wanting to do nude shifts continues to grow

if you’re a regular client who missed out on our inaugural nude shift in May and you’d like a limited-edition BODYROTIC t-shirt, just ask our receptionist or your masseuse – (there are only a few remaining)

BODYROTIC nude shift® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Mon 27/05/2013

BODYROTIC t-shirts

BODYROTIC tshirta few ‘limited edition’ BODYROTIC t-shirts are still available… just ask your masseuse or our receptionist

=== all t-shirts are now gone… keep your eye on this page for further updates ===

Sat 18/05/2013

nude shift #1

BODYROTIC’s inaugural nude shift went off with a bang tonight!…

imagine being greeted by a gorgeous BODYROTIC masseuse wearing nothing but high heels and a smile… now try to imagine that same scenario and multiply it by 12!

nude shift #1... yum! (stephanie, jade, crystal, shakira, armani, nina, april, mya, ashley & samantha)...thanks to all the unsuspecting clients who were fortunate enough to have been on the receiving end of much more of a visual experience than they could ever have anticipated… and the masseuses had a blast!

the response from returning clients was awesome… with nothing but glowing feedback – and the looks of surprise and beaming smiles on the faces of those who hadn’t visited BODYROTIC before were priceless

perhaps like “Woodstock” – years from now hundreds of people who weren’t there will claim to have been – and the commemorative t-shirt will probably have become a collector’s item

this is likely to be a regular BODYROTIC event… returning randomly (and unannounced!) in the not too distant future

PS: if you are a regular client who missed out and would like a BODYROTIC t-shirt just ask our receptionist or your masseuse – (there are only a few remaining)

BODYROTIC nude shift® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Wed 05/12/2012

welcome to BODYROTIC’s new home in cyberspace…

we have done our best to create the coolest possible website experience of it’s type on the planet

  • if there is anything else you’d like to see included in our new website let us know and we’ll see what we can do – all constructive feedback is warmly welcomed
  • should you find a glaring boo-boo, something that doesn’t seem to work the way you think it should, or even the simplest typo; please let us know – we will attend to rectifying the problem as a matter of priority

have fun…

Fri 01/07/2011

BODYROTIC striptease®…
– new from july 2011

the BODYROTIC striptease® experience includes a hot 20-25 minute erotic strip, dance and tease show – and 5-10 minutes recovery time at the end – as most clients need a shower and time to recompose and dress themselves before returning to ‘the real world’…

strip·tease – noun: a form of entertainment in which a performer gradually undresses to music in a way intended to be sexually exciting...

BODYROTIC striptease® is a visual indulgence in eroticism – it is an intensely arousing visual experience – so, there is no touching – although your stripper will touch herself, and you are more than welcome to touch yourself

you may consider having two strippers – imagine watching two hot BODYROTIC babes interacting with each other for your visual pleasure

you may also decide to take the option to follow your BODYROTIC striptease® with a BODYROTIC massage – with your stripper if she is available, or another available BODYROTIC masseuse

  • the price for a 30-minute BODYROTIC striptease® experience is $180
  • look for the striptease icon on the masseuses profile
  • your stripper may be able to help you with a 'happy ending' – just ask (a nominal fee may apply)
  • note: not all masseuses are available for a BODYROTIC striptease®

call us on 9557 7999 to make your appointment, or simply drop in and meet the available masseuses – don't hesitate to ask our receptionist any further questions

BODYROTIC striptease® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark

Sun 05/08/2007

mystery massage®…
– the ultimate indulgence in the sensual art of massage for men, women and couples…

imagine this: you are shown to your luxurious massage room by our friendly receptionist, she asks you to jump in the shower... you finish showering and make yourself comfortable, face down on the massage table and put on your blindfold in anticipation of what's to come... your 'mystery masseuse' knocks on the door and enters the room and your sensual journey begins...

with an absolute minimum of verbal communication (whispers only where necessary) your mystery massage® is an exceptionally sensual experience – your sensitivity to touch is tantalisingly magnified as you give yourself over to the moment... mmmm...

the mystery can be absolute – if you would like to maintain the mystery your masseuse will let you know it's OK to remove your blindfold as she leaves the room... you shower and dress, and we feel confident you will leave satisfied

call us on 9557 7999 to make an appointment, or simply just drop in and ask our receptionist for a mystery massage®

mystery massage® is an original BODYROTIC concept and a registered trademark