Hi Sophie, I thought I’d let you know my feelings about the services offered by BODYROTIC. In short I think they are perfect and would never like to see them altered. I read lots of reviews on Punter Planet about other sensual massage establishments that indicate they are really just brothels. The fact that BODYROTIC doesn’t provide these services is the reason I keep coming along each week. In case there is any pressure to change then I would implore you to resist. It’s a pleasure visiting the BODYROTIC girls who all seem very happy to be working there. And I’m sure a lot of the reason for this is due to their great working conditions that they may not enjoy elsewhere. So please don’t change a winning formula in any way.
Cheers, S
Hi S – and thanks for your feedback.
Yes, there is persistent pressure from a small band of exceptionally vocal clients (ie. clients who regularly frequent other erotic massage establishments) for BODYROTIC to be, shall we say, “substantially more liberal with the nature of our services”. It is actually quite easy for us to understand why these clients ask for change – however, this just further reinforces to us that we are, in fact, doing things right.
I won’t go blabbing on about the principles upon which BODYROTIC operate – let that be our little, internal, commercial-in-confidence-type secret 🙂 … suffice to say, we continue to be exceptionally comfortable with how we treat people – all people. It’s actually much harder for BODYROTIC to operate the way we do – we feel, without question, the rewards are well worth the effort.
We will however continue to innovate – and continue to develop new and exciting services, such as BODYROTIC striptease, fantasy massage and mystery massage.
Rest assured – the principles upon which BODYROTIC operate will not be changing.