Hi Sophie,
I normally write to thank the beautiful ladies I see for the pleasure they give to me, but thought this time I would give you a personal thanks. You won’t be aware, but I have been coming to BODYROTIC for at least five years now, and visiting almost every week. That’s a long time Sophie so obviously everything is working extremely well.
Firstly, I really like the upmarket and well-appointed premises you have. I did like Five Dock as well as it had a certain charm, but your new place is extra modern, clean and inviting.
And this may surprise you; I do like your price structure. It sits well with the classy, high standards you set. And I like the fact that the ladies who work for you are being well paid for the wonderful work they do. No doubt this would be a great incentive for a happy workplace and all of the ladies I speak to are very open about how much they enjoy working there.
And as for your lovely, beautiful staff (including your receptionists), words just aren’t adequate to pay them sufficient compliments. What a pleasure it is to visit my favourite girls each week and spend the most wonderful time in their company. They are not just gorgeous, enticing, warm, sexy and beautiful, but great companions as well; friendly, happy and exuberant. And Sophie, I am just so amazed at how highly educated most of them are. They certainly put me to shame.
So you can expect me to keep visiting each week for as long as I can. I look forward to coming with a great sense of excitement and anticipation. And each time I see my lovely girls I just don’t want to leave, and I just can’t wait to return again.
One of these days Sophie, I might… introduce myself. It would be good to say hi and thank you personally. And please pass my sincere compliments and appreciation on to the wonderful girls.