I had a really enjoyable massage session with Ciara, she was very accommodating… made an effort to get to know me, presents herself in a polite, personable manner, asked how I would like the session to play out. I asked for a firmer massage, she applied plenty of pressure during the massage part of session. Her bodyslides were also very enjoyable with lots of pussy grinding, especially on my back and legs, really enjoyed the sensation of her pulling… she has a nice firm grip. She gave me amazing views of her body, she really loved showing off for me, using the mirrors to her full advantage, she turned the lights up as well, BODYROTIC has really stepped up their game in this regard… the lighting was fucking amazing, good to know BODYROTIC is taking note of our feedback. I will give credit where credit is due, BODYROTIC really impressed me on this occasion, if this is the new standard of service I would seriously consider visiting more regularly like I was pre-COVID.
(excerpt of a review on punterplanet.com)